Children's Centre

Care - Creativity - Development
Contact Us

Learning Together Every Day


The Seaton Community Childrens Centre values its position within the local community.

We strive to provide flexible, accessible, high quality education and care for children while promoting awareness and knowledge of the need for and value of quality education and care for children.

We endeavour to remain aware of and respond to, where possible, the changing needs of the community and be sensitive to the range of social and cultural backgrounds of the community we serve.

Our service will liaise with other community groups, agencies and services to share resources and develop a support network.

Partners We Work With

Uniting SA

UnitingSA is a not-for-profit organisation all about respect, compassion and justice. With a long and proud history of building stronger communities, our can-do attitude is dedicated to supporting South Australians.

The service is involved in an early literacy program – “Paint the Westside REaD it”, with Uniting SA and the City of Charles Sturt. This is the most recent project that we have undertaken with Uniting SA during our long partnership with them.

City of Charles Sturt

City of Charles Sturt is the local government area that the service is located in.

The service is involved in an early literacy program – “Paint the Westside REaD it”, with City of Charles Sturt and Uniting SA.

On 8th November 2017, Lizzie the Lizard hatched from her egg which grew due to the children in our service and other local pre-schools and child care services reading, singing and talking to the egg.

The program is to increase the awareness of the importance of reading to young children, from the time they are babies, and Lizzie is our reading mascot championing the project.

Saint Hilarion Aged Care

Saint Hilarion is an aged care facility located just down the end of our street. The children and residents are engaged in bi-monthly visits to either the residents or our service.

Both the children and residents benefit from the inter-generational interactions, they are involved in regular activities that occur as a normal part of the week for both groups within their environments such as bocce, gardening, BBQ’s and celebrations acknowledging significant events for both of us.

Opening Hours

Monday 6:30am - 6:00pm

Tuesday 6:30am - 6:00pm

Wednesday 6:30am - 6:00pm

Thursday6:30am - 6:00pm

Friday 6:30am - 6:00pm


37 Glenburnie Street, Seaton, SA 5023

08 8347 1839